Thursday, January 22, 2015

Looking For Love With A Lifetime Warranty

I’m passionate about balls, rope toys, treats, and HUMAN FOOD! In my spare time I test the comfort level of all surfaces in the house, sometimes I have to use my skills as a contortionist to fit. Instead of watching TV, I prefer to sneak attack my human pack members with kisses. I’m loyal almost to a fault and will even squeeze through the fence to be with you. If you’re hurt, I’ll nurse you. If you’re threatened by outside forces, I’ll protect you. Compliments and attention make me melt. So, if you’re willing to let me be the boss, walk all over you, and want to join in on the sneak attacks, bark at me.

1 comment:

  1. Awww. This is so sweet and so cute! And the picture is adorable!
